miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

HOMERO - Portrait Gallery

Homero (Español)
Homère (Français)
Homer (English)

Titlepage to 'The Whole Works of Homer' Translated by George Chapman, Published in 1614-16     The Shield of Achilles, After the Description in Homer's Iliad, 1815     Plate Decorated with a Scene from Homer's Iliad with the Greek and Trojan Princes Menelaos     Title Page for

Homer Dictating to a Clerk, 1663               Homer Dictating His Poems               Aristotle with a Bust of Homer

Homer the Blind Greek Poet is Guided on His Travels by a Young Boy     Homer Blind Greek Poet: Angels Celebrate His Iliad and Odyssey     Homer Blind Greek Poet Singing to Sailors    

Two Young Girls Bringing Bread to Homer Asleep, C.1794 (Pen and Indian Ink on Paper)     Homer the Classic Poets     Homer Reciting His Poems, 1794

Study of the Drapery of a Female Figure; Sketch for the Apotheosis of Homer   Apotheosis of Homer, 1826   Alexander and the Poems of Homer, Frescos from the Spandrels of the Main Hall   The Deification of Homer, Assembled Around Homer are 82 Figures of Import   A Reading of Homer, Detail

Apotheosis of Homer, 1827     Apotheosis of Homer     Homer's Apotheosis, 1827

Parnassus (Homer, Dante and Virgil)   The Parnassus, Detail of Homer, Dante and Virgil, in the Stanze Della Segnatura, 1510-11   Homer and His Guide   Achilles Consoled by His Mother, Thetis, from 'The Iliad' by Homer, 1757 (Fresco)   

Homer Recounting the Deeds of Ancient Greeks in the Trojan War     Homer and the Shepherds in a Landscape, 1845     Homer Singing with His Lyre, Early 19th Century

Homer Blind Greek Poet with the Iliad and the Odyssey Below          Homer Blind Greek Poet          Homer Blind Greek Poet

Bust of Homer     Portrait Bust Possibly of Either Hesiod or Homer, Copy of Greek 5th Century BC Original     Homer, the Greek Poet     Homer Greek Poet

Portrait Bust of Homer     Bust of Homer     Homer (9th Century  BC)     Homer (9th Century  BC)

Homer Greek Epic Poet, Roman Copy of a Greek Original          Bust of Homer, Ancient Greek Poet          Bust of Homer, Hellenistic Period

Homer, Study for the Apotheosis of Homer, 1826-27               Homer, Illustration from 'The Illustrated History of the World', Published C.1880

ARISTÓTELES - Portrait Gallery

Aristóteles el Estagirita (Español)
Aristote, le Stagirite (Français)
Aristotle the Stagirite (English)

Head of Aristotle                              Aristotle (384-332 BC)                              Statue of Greek Philosopher Aristotle

Aristotle Roman Copy of a Greek Original                    Marble Head of Aristotle (384-322 BC )

The Young Aristotle     Aristotle and Phyllis     Plato and Aristotle in

Aristotle   Aristotle Greek Philosopher   Hermias Tyrant of Artaneus and Assos Friend and Patron of the Greek Philosopher Aristotle   Aristotle Greek Philosopher   Aristotle Greek Philosopher

The Education of Alexander the Great by Aristotle from a Book by L. Figuier          Aristotle Greek Philosopher as a Young Man Reading at His Desk          Aristotle Leaving Athens with His Followers Having Been Wrongly Accused of Impiety

Aristotle Greek Philosopher     Aristotle     Aristotle (Litho)     Frontispiece of Galileo's 'De Systemate Mundi' Depicting Aristotle, Ptolomy, Copernicus, 1635     Bust of Aristotle

Ideal Portrait of Aristotle

Aristotle Greek Philosopher     Aristotle Greek Philosopher: a Sculptured Head     Ideal Portrait of Aristotle          Detail from Raphael Painting of Philosophers Plato and Aristotle    

Aristotle and Plato: Detail of School of Athens, 1510-11 (Fresco) (Detail of 472)     Detail of Plato and Aristotle from The School of Athens     Aristotle and Plato: Detail from the School of Athens in the Stanza Della Segnatura, 1510-11

Portrait of Aristotle (384-322 BC), circa 1475   School of Athens, Detail of the Centre Showing Plato and Aristotle with Students   Aristotle Instructing the Young Alexander the Great   Alexander & Aristotle   Saint Thomas Aquinas Standing Between Aristotle and Plato and over the Arab Philiosopher Averroes

A Philosopher, Possibly Aristotle, with His Disciples, 4th Century     The World, according to Aristotle, Miniature from 'De Philosophia Mundi' by Guillaume de Conches     Aristotle Teaching. Illustration from

Aristotle with a Bust of Homer     The Seven Liberal Arts, with Ptolemy, Cicero, Aristotle, Euclid, Pythagoras and Tubalcain, C. 1435     Aristotle Describes the Animals Which Alexander Has Sent Him

 Ethics of Aristotle, Translated by Oresme with Gloss     Aristotle and the Philosopher's Stone, from a Collection of Occult Texts     Ethics of Aristotle, Translated by Oresme with Gloss     Frontispiece to the De Animalibus by Aristotle

The Three Kinds of Friendship, from    Courage and Cowardice, from    Presentation of the Economics, from    Aristotle Instructs Alexander the Great in Morals and in the Disdain of Women   Presentation of

The Theory of Justice, from    The Theory of Intellectual Virtues, from    Theological and Cardinal Virtues, from

Temperance and Intemperance, from    The Mint, from Aristotle's Ethics, Politics, Economics from a French Translation by Nicholas Oreme   Prodigality, Liberality and Greed, from    Presentation of the Economics, from